UAE Ambassador to Israel visits the Hebrew University

UAE Ambassador to Israel visits the Hebrew University
20th July 2023 Moriah Aharon

His Excellency Mohamed Al Khaja, UAE Ambassador to Israel paid a visit to the Hebrew University, hosted by VP External relations Amb. Yossi Gal, Rector Prof. Tamir Sheafer, VP for Strategy and Diversity Prof. Mona Khoury, Chancellor, Prof. Menahem Ben Sasson, and Alma Lessing, Director of International Partnerships, Liaisons & Development, who provided an overview of the University’s strategic vision, internationalisation, and the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion on campus.

The delegation also visited the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace to enjoy stunning rooftop views.  Later, at the Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences discussion continued with key representatives from the Faculty of Humanities. The discussion covered potential areas of collaboration between the University and academic institutions in the UAE with the support of the Embassy in Israel. The meeting focused on strengthening academic ties, including faculty and student exchange programs, joint research endeavours, and fostering cross-cultural dialogues between Jews and Muslims.