Honouring Sir Trevor and Lady Daniela Pears, Celebrating Graduates

Honouring Sir Trevor and Lady Daniela Pears, Celebrating Graduates
20th September 2023 Moriah Aharon

Sir Trevor and Lady Daniela Pears

The Hebrew University was thrilled to host Sir Trevor and Lady Daniela Pears along with Dina Gidron, Pears Foundation representative in Israel, as special guests for a number of ceremonies held in Israel just before Rosh Hashana.

Their presence reflected the Foundation’s ongoing support for these flagship international masters programmes: International Master of Public Health (IMPH), Glocal: MA in International Development, and International Master Programs in Agricultural Sciences. Ceremonies were attended by Ambassadorial delegations, ‘Mashav’ (Israel’s Foreign Ministry overseas aid division), University leadership along with family members of Pears scholarship recipients. In addition to the two graduation ceremonies, the visit included the dedication of the Pears Garden, a beautiful open space on the Rehovot campus of the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Speaking at the dedication ceremony and the unveiling of the plaque, Sir Trevor commented: “for our family, these international programmes reflect our values of giving back to the world, exactly in line with the Hebrew University founders and leadership today. Our support started with an informal discussion with the British Friends in London. Now, fast forward some 20 years, our commitment remains strong; it gives us great pleasure to see students graduate with ambitious plans ahead to help their communities back home. We salute them for what they’ve done and for what they’re going to do’.
We remain grateful to Pears Foundation for their significant ongoing support.

Photographs by Avidov Bernstein