• Oct302019

    Judaism, Israel and Disapora Conference – Highlights

    The Hebrew University, The Jewish Agency, Ruderman Foundation and Haaretz have hosted their first-ever Judaism, Israel and Diaspora Conference.  A…

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  • Oct162019

    World Food Day 2019

    The Hebrew University’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is the only institute of higher education in…

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  • Oct122019

    Hebrew University’s ‘Future Meat Technologies’ Raises $14m to Commercialise Cell Cultured Meat

    Future Meat Technologies is one of the few players in the nascent space to have shown how cell-cultured (a.k.a. ‘cultivated’)…

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  • Oct112019

    Hebrew University joins study to find out why men are more prone to illness than women

    There is evidence showing that men are more likely to be sick than women, but no one knows why. However,…

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  • Oct102019

    A Study by the Hebrew University Shows Tomatoes Could be Key in Tackling Male Infertility

    For the first time in history, male fertility issues are equal to women’s. According to the Human Embryology and Fertilisation…

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  • Oct092019

    Hebrew University Researchers find that baby bee caregivers forgo sleep to do their job for the hive

    A study by Hebrew University scientists is the first evidence that animals give up sleep to tend to others’ offspring,…

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  • Oct032019

    Long Lost Human Relative Unveiled

    If you could travel back in time to 100,000 years ago, you’d find yourself living among several different groups of…

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  • Sep242019

    Historical Annual Reports

    The British Friends were very excited to receive two historical artefacts over the Summer. The first is the 1939-40 Annual…

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  • Sep192019

    Study by Hebrew University Koret School of Veterinary Medicine Explores Honey’s Horse Healing Properties

    Researchers looking at wound healing in horses have found that applying medical-grade honey to the wound, as it is repaired,…

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  • Sep182019

    International Conference on Genetics and Genomics of Solar Plants Harvesting Gene-Editing Technology to Feed Future Generations

    Scientists have proved that it’s possible to use innovative gene-editing to domesticate wild plant species and turn them into agricultural…

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