• Jun292020

    The Hebrew University hosts the diplomatic corps in Israel

    Ambassadors from around the world visited and toured ELSC laboratories and heard from University…

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  • Jun262020

    Watch The Talking Brain Webinar: From Neurolinguistics to Clinical Applications

    This webinar features two renowned experts in the field of language and the brain as they join forces – Prof.…

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  • Jun222020

    President Rivlin calls for further research collaboration amid coronavirus

    “I say to the government what it certainly already knows: we have the most wonderful people. Bring them together.” President…

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  • Jun162020

    Jerusalem Tech Beyond COVID19

    Alongside its history and culture, Jerusalem has evolved in recent years into a highly accomplished center of innovation. Over the…

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  • Jun162020

    Access to legal advice in Jerusalem

    Read about the Clinical Legal Education Centre of the Hebrew University law faculty whose civil society work is a critical…

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  • Jun092020


    For the first time ever, researchers have fully mapped the “Genghis Khan’s Wall,” a 737km section of The Great Wall…

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  • Jun032020

    Helping humanity | hear direct from leading Hebrew University COVID-19 researchers

    Watch the video on Professor Yuval Dor from the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Medicine showing how the Faculty’s interdepartmental equipment…

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  • Jun022020

    View all the Hebrew University Covid-19 Webinars

    Click Here to go to our YouTube Playlist showcasing all the Hebrew University webinars on Covid-19

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  • Jun012020

    Cannabis was used in ancient Israelite ceremony, researchers find

    The first evidence of cannabis being used by ancient Israelites has been discovered after researchers found well-preserved cannaboid residue on…

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  • Jun012020

    Prof. David Kazhdan becomes first Israeli to win the Shaw Prize

    Prof. David Kazhdan is one of the great luminaries of the representation theory, his originality and knowledge are incomprehensible. Kazhdan…

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